What’s the Best Lighting for my Garage?

Outdated lighting can have a major impact on the visual aesthetic of a space and your garage is no exception! If your lighting needs an upgrade, you’ll likely notice high electric bills too. Once you’ve decided it’s time to upgrade your garage lighting, the real challenge begins – what lighting should you choose? The lighting selections at your nearby hardware store are sure to be overwhelming at first glance, so let’s break down your options in a way that’s easier to understand. 


Fluorescent lights are a great option for garage lighting because they distribute light evenly and are very long-lasting. Fluorescent lights are energy-efficient and will help save money on maintenance in the long run compared to other bulbs since little to no maintenance will be required. The only downside to fluorescent bulbs is the disposal process. If you need to get rid of a fluorescent bulb, it has to be disposed of as hazardous waste because every fluorescent bulb contains mercury gas which is toxic if it’s mishandled. 


Incandescent bulbs are the cheapest to purchase so if you’re in a financial pinch, it’s an option to consider. These bulbs will cost more over time due to their energy consumption and frequency of maintenance or replacement that’s required. Incandescent bulbs aren’t ideal for garage lighting because they aren’t good at lighting up a large space evenly. If you’re trying to do work or anything else that requires clear sight, incandescent bulbs will make it almost impossible. 


LED bulbs are a great option for garage lighting. They have many of the same perks of a fluorescent bulb, without the need for hazardous waste procedures when it’s time to dispose of an old bulb. LED lighting is efficient at lighting a large space while keeps energy bills low. They have a long lifespan and will require little to no maintenance over the years. LED bulbs are typically very affordable, but not as cheap as incandescent lighting. 

How Bright Should the Bulb Be? 

Brightness is measured in something called lumens. The higher the number of lumens, the brighter the light. When you’re choosing garage lighting, it’s cost-effective to opt for bulbs with higher lumens. This allows you to light the entire space using fewer light fixtures.

Contact Brunelli Electrician in Franklin, MA

If you’re unsure what bulbs are right for your garage or need a hand in the installation process, contact Brunelli Electrician today! We have experience in a wide variety of garage lighting options and can help you choose lighting that will be efficient and long-lasting. From installation to maintenance and even disposal of old bulbs, we’ve got you covered! Give us a call at 508-400-5571 or fill out a contact form to start improving your garage lighting options!

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