Electrical outlet short circuiting and causing a fire when plugged in

How to Prevent a Short Circuit in Your Home

One of the most frequent and hazardous electrical problems that can arise in your home is a short circuit. They have significant safety risks, which destroy appliances and can even cause an electrical fire. Maintaining safety at your home requires you to know how to prevent a short circuit. In this article, we will discuss some essential tips to help prevent short circuits in your home.

What is a Short Circuit?

When an electrical current in a circuit passes through an unintended route with almost no resistance at all, it causes a short circuit. This usually happens because of contact between neutral wires and hot, live wires, raising the current flow. The high current, which can generate enough heat to cause damage, may damage the electrical system or result in electrical fires.

Regular Electrical Inspections

Another great way to help prevent short circuits is to have a professional electrician come out and check over your electrical system periodically. This way, they will be able to find any future problems and fix them, whether it be old parts, loose connections, or even frayed wiring. Regular inspections can catch these issues before dangerous short circuits can occur.

Avoid Overloading Your Circuits

Something as simple as overloaded circuits can cause a short circuit. This often happens when too many devices draw power from a single outlet. For such scenarios, use power strips that have inherent surge protectors, and spread your electrical load over a couple of circuits. Check the wattage requirements of your electrical apparatus to avoid putting more watts into a circuit than it is rated for.

Replace Damaged Wires

Many short circuits occur from frayed or damaged cables. Checking cords and wiring regularly for wear and tear can significantly help reduce an accident from occurring. If you have come across a damaged wire, replace it right away or have a professional go through it. Never use electrical tape as a permanent solution as it’s always better to replace the entire wire or cord.

Update Outdated Wiring

Many older homes have outdated wiring that no longer meets modern safety standards. For instance, copper wire is pretty forgiving versus aluminum wiring, it will not cause short circuits as frequently. If you live in a home that has been here for a while, you might want to bring your electrical up to code with today’s rules and regulations. An electrician could evaluate your wiring and suggest improvements that need to be done.

Install Surge Protectors

These can help prevent electrical surges, which could cause a short circuit. Set surge protectors on expensive appliances or devices. Consider installing a surge protection device on the electrical panel for whole-home protection as well.

Utilize a Great Electrician

If you truly want to protect your home from short circuits then the best solution is to utilize a guaranteed professional. By contacting a team like Brunelli Electric you are guaranteeing protection for your home. Their experienced team can find the exact problem on your property and find the perfect solution for you! Get in contact with Brunelli today.


An electrician removing an old light switch

Electrical Safety Tips for Homeowners

While we might see funny cartoons of beloved characters sticking their fingers in an electrical socket, only to have their hair stand on end, making them look silly, the truth is that electrical safety is no joke. Every year, there are nearly 1,000 fatalities related to electrical injuries. And, there are about 30,000 non-fatal shock incidents each year. Those are some sizeable numbers.

That’s why we want to share some important electrical safety tips for homeowners.

Keep Your Home (and Family) Safe with These 10 Electrical Safety Tips

At X, we want you and your family to be safe. And, we want your home to be a safe place to live, too. The U.S. Fire Administration website indicates that in 2022 alone, there were 26,100 fires, 185 deaths, 850 injuries, and an estimated $1.49 million in losses related to residential building electrical malfunction fires. Again, no laughing matter.

Here are some tips to help you avoid becoming one of these scary statistics.

1. Prevent Overloaded Outlets

Overloading outlets is a common cause of electrical fires. Imagine an outlet like a busy intersection; too many cars (or in this case, appliances) can cause a jam. The same goes for your electrical outlets. Using extension cords or power strips can be helpful, but be cautious not to overload them. Think of it like cooking with too many crockpots on one counter; eventually, the counter can’t handle the weight. Spread out your appliances and avoid using multiple high-wattage devices on the same outlet.


2. Replace or Repair Damaged Electrical Cords

Damaged electrical cords are a significant hazard. If you notice any fraying, cracking, or other signs of wear and tear, it’s time to replace or repair the cord. Exposed wires can lead to electrical shocks or fires. Inspect your cords regularly and handle them with care to keep them in good condition.


3. Unplug Unused Appliances

Unplugging unused appliances is a simple yet effective way to prevent potential hazards and save a bit on your energy bill. Appliances left plugged in can still draw power and pose a risk if they malfunction. By unplugging them when not in use, you reduce the risk of electrical fires and save on electricity.


4. Follow Manufacturer Specifications

Always follow the manufacturer’s specifications for all electrical items and appliances. This includes proper usage, maintenance, and recommended load capacities. Ignoring these guidelines can lead to overheating, electrical shorts, and other dangerous situations. Refer to the user manual or the manufacturer’s website for detailed instructions.


5. Keep Water and Electricity Separate

Water and electricity don’t mix. Keep all electrical appliances—curling irons, hair dryers, coffee makers, etc.—and outlets away from common water sources like sinks, bathtubs, and pools. In areas where water and electricity are close, use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) to reduce the risk of shock. These devices are designed to shut off the power if they detect an imbalance in the electrical current.


6. Clean Exhaust Fans Regularly

Exhaust fans help remove moisture and odors from your home, but they can accumulate dust and debris over time, causing them to overheat. Regularly clean your exhaust fans to help them operate efficiently and safely. An overheated fan can be a fire hazard, especially if it’s clogged with lint or dust.


7. Use Proper Wattage for Light Fixtures

Using the correct wattage for your light fixtures is super important. Exceeding the recommended wattage can cause overheating and potentially start a fire. Always check the fixture’s rating and use bulbs that match or are below the maximum wattage. When in doubt, refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines.


8. Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are your first line of defense in the event of a fire. We suggest you install smoke alarms on each level of your home, inside each bedroom, and outside sleeping areas. So, if you live in a two-story home, you should have one in the basement, one on the main level, and one upstairs, plus in each bedroom and main room of the home (i.e., living room, family room, kitchen). 

Does this seem like overkill to you? Trust us, it’s not. Test your smoke alarms monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year—many homeowners do this around the first of the year to avoid forgetting. Replace smoke alarms every 10 years or as recommended by the manufacturer.


9. Educate Your Family on Electrical Safety

Help all family members, including children, to understand basic electrical safety. Explain to your kids the risks of touching electrical outlets, cords, or appliances with wet hands. And, make sure they know to tell you of any damaged cords or appliances. Awareness and education can prevent accidents and save lives.


10. Schedule Regular Electrical Inspections

Having a licensed electrician inspect your home’s electrical system regularly can help identify potential hazards before they become serious issues. They can check for outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, and other safety concerns. Regular inspections keep your home’s electrical system up to code and functioning safely.

Need an Electrical Inspection?

If you are concerned about electrical safety in your home, a licensed inspector from X can come out and take a look. Contact us today.

Electrical Upgrades for Your Home

With technology constantly evolving there are so many areas to improve upon regarding your home. Regardless of whether you are looking to secure your home or make it more efficient, there is an upgrade for you. In this article, we will be discussing key upgrades that we recommend to make your home as best as possible!

Upgrade Your Home Electrical Panel

Deciding to upgrade your home electrical panel can do wonders for the rest of your home. With new technology constantly coming out that also means your home will need more electrical support than ever before. New pieces of appliances will require higher voltages and therefore can cause issues with your current panel. The best option is to upgrade your current panel so that you can improve its efficiency and lower the risk of failures occurring.

Invest in a Generator

One of the best-known electrical investments to make is buying a generator. These are perfect for all kinds of situations and emergencies. If your electricity does go out in any instance you won’t have to be in fear or worry as much if you have a generator. You can use your generator to power important areas and appliances in your home whilst your electricity is not functioning. You can even use a generator for a mobile get-together when you want to bring a fast source of electricity to remote areas. The benefits of a generator are truly endless and they can bring a lot of peace of mind in the case an emergency were to arise.

Add a Camera Security System

When it comes to adding security and extra protection a camera system might be exactly what you need. It’s one thing to just have an alarm set in place but a camera system allows you to view everything at all times. This can help you watch your home regardless if you’re on the property or not. With so many different camera options to choose from you’re bound to find a system that works perfectly for you and blends in seamlessly. Adding this as an extra deterrent to crime can help save you from being a victim of a crime. Hence why we stand by them so much!

Exterior Lighting Installation

If you’re looking to spruce up the exterior of your home for curb appeal or get-togethers then exterior lighting is just what you need. Exterior lighting can give an elegant and beautiful look to the entire exterior of your home. Installing lights for your home exterior also allows you to view the outside of your home regardless of the time of day. Therefore, if you want to host an event these lights can be very useful for lighting a large area for social activities.

Call Brunelli Electric

For all your electrical upgrades and needs make sure to get in contact with Brunelli Electric. Their team of electricians can help you find the perfect product for you! Regardless of the problem you’re facing their team always has the solution!

woman accessing her connected devices in her home

Why to Invest in Smart Home Technology

Smart technology is slowly taking over every home across the country. It is an extremely useful technology that can help you in nearly every daily task. From ordering common groceries to setting a specific temperature for your home. No matter what smart technology can have huge beneficial effects. We will dive deeper into the world of smart technology and how we think it can better your home and life. 

The Convenience of Smart Technology

Smart home technology allows you to automate and control various aspects of your home with ease. From adjusting lighting, temperature, and blinds to scheduling household tasks like watering the garden or vacuuming, smart devices streamline everyday routines, saving you time and effort. Most smart home devices even have their own speaking functions. This means you can even talk to your home directly if you want a specific task to be completed. Commands such as “turn on lights”, “order my grocery list”, “give me a dinner recipe” and many more can all be quickly utilized. Having technology that is constantly adding convenience is a huge plus for any home. 

Increase Your Home Security 

Advanced features like motion detection, real-time alerts, and remote monitoring are available with smart home security systems. By monitoring your property and receiving alerts about any suspicious activity, smart cameras, doorbells, and locks can help prevent burglaries and safeguard your family and property.

Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

 Smart thermostats, lighting, and appliances enable you to optimize energy usage and reduce utility bills. With features like programmable schedules, occupancy sensors, and energy usage insights, you can regulate heating, cooling, and lighting based on your preferences and occupancy patterns, leading to significant savings over time.

Control Your Home On The Go

One of the most significant advantages of smart home technology is the ability to monitor and control your home remotely. Whether you’re at work, on vacation, or simply away from home, you can access and adjust smart devices using your smartphone or tablet, providing peace of mind and flexibility.

Utilize and Integrate Numerous Devices 

Smart home ecosystems offer interoperability among various devices and platforms, allowing for seamless integration and control through a single interface. Whether you prefer voice commands, smartphone apps, or centralized hubs, you can customize and manage your smart home according to your preferences and needs.

Install Smart Home Devices Today

If you’re looking to incorporate smart home technology into your home then look no further. The master electricians at Brunelli Electric can help put your home on the right path to success. We can recommend some of our favorite devices along with installing them to perfection. Get in contact with our team today!

An electrician installing a 360-degree dome camera

The Benefits of a 360 Degree Camera

Your home or business can benefit greatly from installing a camera security system. However, a 360-degree camera system is capable of much more than a typical system. It can see a larger view than normal cameras and allows for a larger recording radius. Helping deter crime from occurring and recording the culprits if a crime does unfortunately happen. Therefore, a camera security system is already amazing for your property but a 360-degree camera can elevate its benefits even further.

Requires Less Installation and Cameras

A great benefit of installing a 360-degree camera is the amount of space you save. With traditional camera systems, you’d need multiple cameras set up in order to feel secure on your property. However, a 360-degree system can capture numerous areas at once with just one camera setup. This helps you save money and time on installation and maintenance services. Allowing you to enjoy the benefits of all-day security while only utilizing the view of a single camera. It is truly a convenient system especially if you don’t want numerous cameras set up around your property, reducing curb appeal.

Crime Deterrent

Investing in a 360-degree camera system is very useful for deterring crime from occuring on or around your property. When someone sees your cameras they will immediately think twice about the action they are about to take. Your camera system makes the lives of a criminal much harder, making them want to move on to a different property with less security. Unfortunately, sometimes crime still occurs regardless of the camera system you have installed. That being said at least now you can catch the culprit and watch the entire event unfold through the view of your cameras. It then makes the job of catching criminals much easier for authorities. If you want added security added to your property then a 360-degree surveillance camera system is perfect for you!

Camera Adaptability

Technology continues to evolve, which helps make security cameras even more adaptable and useful. Now that we can create 360-degree cameras our installation options are nearly limitless. You can install these amazing cameras anywhere on your property whether it be indoor or outdoor. That way you’ll feel protected no matter what area of your property you currently are in. Technology will only keep getting better, so it’s best to advance with it than to be left in the past!

360 Degree Camera Installation Services

If these benefits sound great for you and your property then consider investing in a 360-degree surveillance camera. No need to worry about installation services, simply contact Brunelli Electric and get better protection today! Their professional team is trained and certified in camera services and installation. Call them today for the best 360-degree camera results!

Someone using a security camera system

What Features Should I Look For in a Security Camera System?

Are you looking to install a new security camera system for your home or business? Well here’s a detailed list of some features you should look for. Not all systems are made equally! Some Camera systems have better systems and technology than others. In this article, we will discuss basic and advanced features that you should keep in mind when selecting a camera system for your property.

Camera Types

When installing a new system there are a wide variety of cameras you can choose to install on your property. Some cameras have better visual features than others. For example, a 360-degree camera can view an entire area completely around with just one camera. Other systems need multiple cameras installed to obtain a large field of view. Some cameras also have higher recording quality than others. This means that the visual quality is greatly dependent on the brand of camera you decide to install. Therefore always check reviews and view samples of cameras before deciding to install them on your property.

Camera Streaming Capabilities

If you’re installing a camera system on your property then streaming capabilities are a must. Streaming allows you to view your camera live recording from the comfort of your phone and the safety of your home. You can see any potential threats without ever having to put yourself in harm’s way. Streaming capabilities also allow you to monitor your entire property while you are away. Therefore, if you are worried or want to make sure your property is safe at all times then streaming capabilities are a must.

Camera Recording Memory

What is also important in a security camera system is the recording memory itself. When cameras are rolling they need to have the functionality to save and upload records to a drive. This is convenient so that if you ever want to look back at footage from a certain time or day you can do so easily! Make sure you have plenty of recording space also, that way there is no limit to the amount of saved data you have. Another great feature that can help your property is being able to record footage whilst the internet is down. If a camera system can still record without internet then that is great for your property! It means that even when the internet is messing up you’ll always have recordings and footage to look back to once the problem subsides.

Brunelli Electric

If you need help with camera installation needs and want the best camera products on the market then contact Brunelli today for more information!

Benefits of Installing a Camera System

With the world constantly changing, you can add all kinds of additions to your home regardless if you want to increase efficiency, appearance, or just overall security. There is always something new out there for you to try. However, in this article, we will be specifically discussing the benefits of installing a camera system on your property. Whether you own a commercial or residential property, taking the time to invest in an advanced camera system can be just what you need!

Security Cameras Deter Crime

When you install a high-tech camera system that is capable of 24/7 surveillance and recording then you can help your property deter all sorts of crime. When individuals see cameras on a property it usually makes them think twice before committing a crime. On the chance that a crime is committed, you will have sufficient evidence to catch the suspect. A camera system can also help prevent a wide variety of crimes from occurring. The chances of crimes such as theft, robbery, assault, and more will decrease just by the presence of added security. 

Installing Cameras Adds Protection

If you install a security camera system on your residential property then it can help make you and your family feel at ease. When you are not home, simply check your cameras to make sure all is well in the area. You can watch your surroundings and property just by using your phone. If you ever travel away from your home then your camera can also help you watch the property whilst you’re gone. If your family knows they can have someone checking in on them then it helps them feel more secure. 

Cameras are great for not just residential properties but also commercial ones. Your Employees will feel safer knowing they have people looking out for them. They will also feel more comfortable working in an environment that deems safety as a priority.

Monitor Your Property From Your Phone

One of the best features of installing cameras on a residential property is being able to constantly monitor your surroundings. No need to physically be on the property, with the right camera you can get a 360-degree view of everything that is happening. You can even record audio to make sure you did not miss anything important. This feature is great for checking in on family or kids whilst way.

Commercial wise a quality camera system goes a long way. With cameras being able to produce stunning images and videos they are great for fighting theft. You’ll be able to catch individuals who try and sneakily steal from your business. Whilst also checking in on employees to make sure they are properly doing their job. All in all a camera system can do wonders for all properties and it’s a great investment to make. For more information about cameras and all things electric contact Bruenlli today!

Woman checking their electrical panel during a power outage

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

When the winter comes, all kinds of problems can occur with your home. Heavy snow and winds cause trees and other debris to fall or fly around with a ton of force. This can become very troublesome for most power wires that are typically out in the open. A tree or other types of debris can harm the wires and cause a massive power outage within your home area. This can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening if conditions are extreme enough. In this blog, we will be discussing how to prepare your home for outages to best help you in a time of need.

The Biggest Risks from a Power Outage

Power outages can leave you without any power for more than just a few hours, it can be days or even weeks if severe enough. One of the biggest risks you run into with no power is the lack of warmth. With the weather being extremely cold, snowy, and windy this can wreak havoc on your health if left without heat for too long. This causes you to develop extreme illnesses such as pneumonia and hypothermia which can be life-threatening if left untreated long enough. Your home will also be left in complete darkness at nighttime, your food will spoil, and certain necessities such as toilets can stop working.

Depending on your location your phones may not work either with the loss of internet in your area causing you to be completely shut off from the world. Power outages should be taken seriously and if you know a large storm is coming, it would be best to begin preparing in case. After you should always be more prepared than under-prepared.

What Equipment to Have in Case of a Power Outage

There are many different types of equipment you can utilize once the power in your home leaves. Some of these items range from electrical equipment to simple items that become necessary. Items such as a bucket of water, candles, and a good book can go a long way when trying to deal with an outage. Candles are great for light, extra clean water is always useful in case of an emergency, and a book can do a lot of good for entertainment purposes.

Bigger industrial equipment that can do a lot of good is investing in a generator. They have all kinds of generators to best suit your home’s needs. Some are so good you will never notice the power was down to begin with. You can buy a portable generator, solar generator, and even a backup generator that automatically kicks in once power is lost. Investing the time and money to buy the perfect generator will do more good than harm in the long run.

Utilize Brunelli Emergency Services

For more preventive equipment ideas or immediate electrical help with your home, make sure to contact Brunelli.

Installed knob and tube wiring in a home

What to Know About Knob and Tube Wiring

How to Spot and Replace Knob and Tube Wiring

Knob and tube wiring was an electrical wiring method used by electricians from the late 1800s to the mid-1990s. It was considered to be revolutionary for home electricity at the time. However, as time has passed and technology has advanced Knob and tube wiring is no longer used or supported for current-day technology. Its lack of compatibility with current technology and home appliances can lead to numerous problems in your home.

How to Spot Knob and Tube Wiring

If you are currently unsure if you have knob and tube wiring in your home it’s not too late to check. The best areas for spotting knob and tube wiring are within your basement or attic. Simply look around the joists for small ceramic tubes and knobs. If you spot the wiring, you should begin to think about how to replace it. If you do not spot any wiring in these areas that does not mean you are completely free of knob and tube wiring. Sometimes knob and tube wiring can be behind walls from previous homeowners trying to cover up the problem rather than resolving it. The only way to truly tell is by creating a hole in the wall to view the wiring in your home. While this may seem like a tedious task it can help you save thousands in the future by helping you avoid a major incident.

Potential Knob and Tube Wiring Hazards

Going out of your way to spot knob and tube wiring can feel unnecessary or like an overreaction. However, this is not the case knob and tube wiring can present a number of possible hazards for your home. The biggest hazard is the risk of a fire in your home due to wear and tear over time or too large electrical loads from modern appliances. Another common risk associated with knob and tube wiring is the lack of electrical ground. Not having a ground wire can lead to your devices and yourself being severely damaged. Whilst knob and tube wiring isn’t necessarily illegal it definitely has its cons that make it worth avoiding.

Knob and Tube Wiring Effects on Home Value

Knob and tube wiring is obsolete and carries many risks. Therefore, most insurance companies do not insure or renew homes that have knob and tube wiring. Nor, do they make it easy for you to finance a home with knob and tube wiring. Overall it becomes a financial headache that you may have to deal with for quite some time. Knob and tube wiring can potentially lower the overall value of your home as well. Since the cost of rewiring a home is very expensive you would need to deduct the additional cost from your selling price. Since many people stay away from knob and tube wiring it’s important to be transparent with any interested buyers. If you’re thinking of selling your home that contains knob and tube wiring just be prepared for a longer selling period.

How to Replace Knob and Tube Wiring

Knob and tube wiring replacement throughout a home is not an easy job. An ordinary electrician may find many complications and can do more harm than good if not experienced. That’s why it’s important to choose a trusted electrician for the job. Someone like Brunelli Electrician who has been in business for decades has the experience your home needs. With great prices and customer service, it’s no wonder why our customers keep coming back. If you want to replace knob and tube wiring in your home make sure to call Brunelli Electrician today!

How To Choose the Best Electrician

Deciding the perfect electrician for your building construction, office renovation, or apartment can be stressful as there are dozens right here in Southern Massachusetts alone!

However, there are key features and characteristics you must see before you choose an electrician to work for you. If these characteristics are not evident, you might be choosing the wrong person for your project. To be on the safer side, stay glued to this guide as we give you tips on selecting the right person. Let’s dive right in.

Check for Licenses 

Like any professional job, a license or evidence of expertise is the basic and foundational item to look out for when hiring an electrician.

This license indicates the electrician has undergone training from previous years and understands both precautionary and advanced standard safety procedures for anything electrically related.

In addition, it means any job done by this personnel is expected to have followed the appropriate rules and regulations by the Engineers association, and they have the minimum lifespan of authenticity by a directory board for it to maintain its state.

This license can be issued by the government, organization or by the state. Without this, it is best not to work with such an individual.

Certifications and Experience

A certification, on the other hand, also indicates their level of specialization in a given task. Some professional electricians are more advanced and specialized in a particular field, like household wiring, HVAC systems, and heating appliances.

And so, giving your project the right certificate and expertise in that field for a more specialized task is also best.

Some electricians are also more versed with decades of practice. Over these years, they have worked on numerous technical projects that can only be tackled by an updated person in that field.


To hire an electrician, you can do your research by seeking out the assistance of people who have hired one before so they can give a review or recommendation.

By seeking help from friends, neighbors, or even work colleagues, they get to vouch for their already done project, and any new task they would be working on for you would be to impress you at least before consecutive jobs.

Sometimes, some electrical agencies or teams would be recommended to get your job done faster instead of sole personnel.

Effective Communication

Although a soft skill, effective communication, and responsiveness towards any professional task is the bedrock of building meaningful relationships.

You want to avoid giving a task to someone who would end up ghosting you or giving false deadlines for the job completion.

And how can you vet for these traits for someone you don’t know anything from? You can start checking these characteristics right from the first meet-up, the job quota he or she would be giving, and further advice they would recommend to make your job better. This way, you can build on that and trust them better with bigger tasks.

Look Out for Guarantees and Warranties

For such a profession, giving out or postulating a warranty is an act of good workmanship. Most agencies do this to prevent future disagreements or disputes with past clients.

So, for your safety, upon every repair, change, or routine check for any of your work or home appliances, you can always confirm for a warranty so they would be held accountable for it.

Contact Brunelli for All Southern MA Electrical Work

Are you looking for an electrician in southern Massachusetts who checks all the boxes? Philip M. Brunelli is the man for the job! With decades of fully licensed and insured experience, Philip can handle any job thrown his way. Contact the team today!