An electrician removing an old light switch

Electrical Safety Tips for Homeowners

While we might see funny cartoons of beloved characters sticking their fingers in an electrical socket, only to have their hair stand on end, making them look silly, the truth is that electrical safety is no joke. Every year, there are nearly 1,000 fatalities related to electrical injuries. And, there are about 30,000 non-fatal shock incidents each year. Those are some sizeable numbers.

That’s why we want to share some important electrical safety tips for homeowners.

Keep Your Home (and Family) Safe with These 10 Electrical Safety Tips

At X, we want you and your family to be safe. And, we want your home to be a safe place to live, too. The U.S. Fire Administration website indicates that in 2022 alone, there were 26,100 fires, 185 deaths, 850 injuries, and an estimated $1.49 million in losses related to residential building electrical malfunction fires. Again, no laughing matter.

Here are some tips to help you avoid becoming one of these scary statistics.

1. Prevent Overloaded Outlets

Overloading outlets is a common cause of electrical fires. Imagine an outlet like a busy intersection; too many cars (or in this case, appliances) can cause a jam. The same goes for your electrical outlets. Using extension cords or power strips can be helpful, but be cautious not to overload them. Think of it like cooking with too many crockpots on one counter; eventually, the counter can’t handle the weight. Spread out your appliances and avoid using multiple high-wattage devices on the same outlet.


2. Replace or Repair Damaged Electrical Cords

Damaged electrical cords are a significant hazard. If you notice any fraying, cracking, or other signs of wear and tear, it’s time to replace or repair the cord. Exposed wires can lead to electrical shocks or fires. Inspect your cords regularly and handle them with care to keep them in good condition.


3. Unplug Unused Appliances

Unplugging unused appliances is a simple yet effective way to prevent potential hazards and save a bit on your energy bill. Appliances left plugged in can still draw power and pose a risk if they malfunction. By unplugging them when not in use, you reduce the risk of electrical fires and save on electricity.


4. Follow Manufacturer Specifications

Always follow the manufacturer’s specifications for all electrical items and appliances. This includes proper usage, maintenance, and recommended load capacities. Ignoring these guidelines can lead to overheating, electrical shorts, and other dangerous situations. Refer to the user manual or the manufacturer’s website for detailed instructions.


5. Keep Water and Electricity Separate

Water and electricity don’t mix. Keep all electrical appliances—curling irons, hair dryers, coffee makers, etc.—and outlets away from common water sources like sinks, bathtubs, and pools. In areas where water and electricity are close, use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) to reduce the risk of shock. These devices are designed to shut off the power if they detect an imbalance in the electrical current.


6. Clean Exhaust Fans Regularly

Exhaust fans help remove moisture and odors from your home, but they can accumulate dust and debris over time, causing them to overheat. Regularly clean your exhaust fans to help them operate efficiently and safely. An overheated fan can be a fire hazard, especially if it’s clogged with lint or dust.


7. Use Proper Wattage for Light Fixtures

Using the correct wattage for your light fixtures is super important. Exceeding the recommended wattage can cause overheating and potentially start a fire. Always check the fixture’s rating and use bulbs that match or are below the maximum wattage. When in doubt, refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines.


8. Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are your first line of defense in the event of a fire. We suggest you install smoke alarms on each level of your home, inside each bedroom, and outside sleeping areas. So, if you live in a two-story home, you should have one in the basement, one on the main level, and one upstairs, plus in each bedroom and main room of the home (i.e., living room, family room, kitchen). 

Does this seem like overkill to you? Trust us, it’s not. Test your smoke alarms monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year—many homeowners do this around the first of the year to avoid forgetting. Replace smoke alarms every 10 years or as recommended by the manufacturer.


9. Educate Your Family on Electrical Safety

Help all family members, including children, to understand basic electrical safety. Explain to your kids the risks of touching electrical outlets, cords, or appliances with wet hands. And, make sure they know to tell you of any damaged cords or appliances. Awareness and education can prevent accidents and save lives.


10. Schedule Regular Electrical Inspections

Having a licensed electrician inspect your home’s electrical system regularly can help identify potential hazards before they become serious issues. They can check for outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, and other safety concerns. Regular inspections keep your home’s electrical system up to code and functioning safely.

Need an Electrical Inspection?

If you are concerned about electrical safety in your home, a licensed inspector from X can come out and take a look. Contact us today.

How To Choose the Best Electrician

Deciding the perfect electrician for your building construction, office renovation, or apartment can be stressful as there are dozens right here in Southern Massachusetts alone!

However, there are key features and characteristics you must see before you choose an electrician to work for you. If these characteristics are not evident, you might be choosing the wrong person for your project. To be on the safer side, stay glued to this guide as we give you tips on selecting the right person. Let’s dive right in.

Check for Licenses 

Like any professional job, a license or evidence of expertise is the basic and foundational item to look out for when hiring an electrician.

This license indicates the electrician has undergone training from previous years and understands both precautionary and advanced standard safety procedures for anything electrically related.

In addition, it means any job done by this personnel is expected to have followed the appropriate rules and regulations by the Engineers association, and they have the minimum lifespan of authenticity by a directory board for it to maintain its state.

This license can be issued by the government, organization or by the state. Without this, it is best not to work with such an individual.

Certifications and Experience

A certification, on the other hand, also indicates their level of specialization in a given task. Some professional electricians are more advanced and specialized in a particular field, like household wiring, HVAC systems, and heating appliances.

And so, giving your project the right certificate and expertise in that field for a more specialized task is also best.

Some electricians are also more versed with decades of practice. Over these years, they have worked on numerous technical projects that can only be tackled by an updated person in that field.


To hire an electrician, you can do your research by seeking out the assistance of people who have hired one before so they can give a review or recommendation.

By seeking help from friends, neighbors, or even work colleagues, they get to vouch for their already done project, and any new task they would be working on for you would be to impress you at least before consecutive jobs.

Sometimes, some electrical agencies or teams would be recommended to get your job done faster instead of sole personnel.

Effective Communication

Although a soft skill, effective communication, and responsiveness towards any professional task is the bedrock of building meaningful relationships.

You want to avoid giving a task to someone who would end up ghosting you or giving false deadlines for the job completion.

And how can you vet for these traits for someone you don’t know anything from? You can start checking these characteristics right from the first meet-up, the job quota he or she would be giving, and further advice they would recommend to make your job better. This way, you can build on that and trust them better with bigger tasks.

Look Out for Guarantees and Warranties

For such a profession, giving out or postulating a warranty is an act of good workmanship. Most agencies do this to prevent future disagreements or disputes with past clients.

So, for your safety, upon every repair, change, or routine check for any of your work or home appliances, you can always confirm for a warranty so they would be held accountable for it.

Contact Brunelli for All Southern MA Electrical Work

Are you looking for an electrician in southern Massachusetts who checks all the boxes? Philip M. Brunelli is the man for the job! With decades of fully licensed and insured experience, Philip can handle any job thrown his way. Contact the team today!


When Do I Need to Update My Home’s Electrical Panel?

The breaker of the fuse box is known as an electrical panel that distributes electricity to every portion of your home. Its care and maintenance are essential for providing equal current and voltage.

You might need to upgrade your home’s electrical panel using the latest technological advancements. This will also ensure overall safety against potential electricity hazards.

This comprehensive guide will aid you in considering when to update your home’s electrical panel. This will improve optimal functionality.

A Panel’s Age

It is necessary to update your home’s electrical panel if installed and not changed for long. It depends upon the house’s construction, whether it is 20 or more years old.

It is worth upgrading your home’s electrical panel. Older panels might increase the potential harms like short circuits and many more.

Insufficient Power Supply

The usage of electricity increases when you add more appliances to your home. Also, it burdens your electrical panel, which might malfunction because of being old.

If you notice frequent tripping, low voltage, or circuit breakups, you should upgrade your electrical panel without wasting a moment. A greater capacity panel upgrade helps avoid overloads and guarantees that your home’s electrical system can meet your needs.

Outdated Fuse Box

More than 20-year-old homes still have fuse box systems instead of electrical panels. These fuses may catch fire if not placed or sized correctly in relevant brackets.

This is why fuses are less efficient and reliable than modern electrical panels. A circuit breaker panel upgrade improves safety and simplifies resetting in the event of an overload.

Non-Compliance with Safety Regulations

The advanced electrical panels are designed in such a way that they ensure safety against different potential hazards. They meet safety and precautionary standards.

If your old electrical panel fails to maintain these safety standards, it is time to upgrade it with an advanced one. Outdated panels may not have the proper grounding or fire or shock protection.

Knob-and-Tube Wiring

Knob-and-tube wiring is also an old method that doesn’t commit to providing safety measurements. They are likely to catch fire and damage your appliances due to fluctuations in voltage.

To avoid such drastic situations, replace the knob-and-tube wiring system with an advanced electrical panel. This advanced system will ensure reliability and safety.

Future Proofing

Choosing and installing advanced electrical panels for your homes not only enhances safety but also future-proofs your homes. These electrical panels meet the requirements of today’s electrical appliances and modern needs.

Contact Brunelli Electric for Southern MA Panel Upgrades

An updated electrical panel is paramount in powering your southern MA home both safely and efficiently. If your home is in need of panel upgrades, contact Brunelli Electric of Franklin today! Our team of licensed and insured electricians can safely and quickly upgrade your panels at an unbeatable price!


short circuit

Why Did My Electrical Outlet Spark?

Electrical fires comprised 6.3% of all residential fires between 2014 and 2016. Around 24,000 incidents were reported annually, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Electrical wire, cable insulation, and structural members or framing were the top three things that frequently started electrical fires in residential buildings (31%, 18%, and 12%, respectively.) Let us find out what could make your electrical outlet spark and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from it.

What Are The Causes of Electrical Outlet Sparks?

Electrical outlet sparks can happen for many reasons. Sparks and arcing can occur at loose connections where wires or terminals are not tightly attached. Overheating results from overloaded circuits, which occur when an excessive electrical load exceeds the outlet’s capacity. Sparks are more likely to happen when wiring is flawed, such as when insulation is destroyed, or wires are exposed. They can also be produced by outlets that are damaged and have parts that are cracked or broken. It is essential to identify and resolve these reasons for electrical safety and to avoid potential risks quickly.

The Risks and Implications of Electrical Outlet Sparks

Sparks from electrical outlets present serious dangers and implications that require a quick response. First, sparks can result in electrical fires that put lives in danger and cause significant property damage. They provide a real risk of igniting nearby flammable goods. Second, sparks can indicate potential electrical problems that could lead to power surges that harm delicate electronics and appliances. Such occurrences could necessitate pricey replacements or repairs.

Additionally, sparks significantly increase the risk of electrical shocks for anybody standing close to the outlet, seriously jeopardizing their safety. Electrical shocks can cause anything from minor pain to life-threatening conditions depending on the shock’s severity. Sparks may also be a sign of deeper electrical problems with the wiring, which, if left unattended, can result in severe electrical failures or concerns with the entire structure. This occurrence may interfere with routine activities, annoy others, and lead to considerable financial losses.

It is essential to be aware of the effects of electrical outlet sparks and respond immediately. Professional assistance is required for the problem to be evaluated and fixed in a way that ensures electrical safety. Regular checks, quick fixes, and attention to safety regulations can reduce hazards and shield people and property from the damaging effects of electrical outlet sparks.

Safeguarding Your Home Against Electrical Outlet Sparks

It’s essential to safeguard your property from electrical outlet sparks to maintain safety and reduce the possibility of fire threats. You can protect your property and loved ones by taking these preventative measures:

  1. Routine Inspections: During regular inspections, check electrical outlets for wear, loose connections, and other damage. Any defective outlets should be changed right away to avoid sparks.
  2. Proper Usage of Outlets: Use outlets properly by not plugging in too many gadgets or utilizing several adapters to prevent overloading. To avoid electrical overload, distribute the load evenly and utilize power strips with surge protectors.
  3. Professional Wiring: Depend on licensed electricians for installations, repairs, and upgrades regarding electrical services. To lower the chance of sparks, they will ensure that the wiring, grounding, and circuit breakers are all in place.
  4. GFCI Outlets: Install ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets in damp places, including restrooms, kitchens, and exterior spaces. These outlets offer additional security by immediately cutting off power if a defect is found.
  5. Surge protectors: Use surge protectors when using delicate appliances and electronic devices. Power surges can ignite and harm electronics; thus, these devices assist in preventing them.

Protect Your Massachusetts Home or Business with Brunelli Electric

Observing these preventative steps may drastically reduce the likelihood of electrical outlet sparks in your Southern MA home or business. They make your property a safer and more secure place for everyone. Consult Brunelli Electric of Franklin, MA, today for your electrical installations, repairs, and upgrades. Our expert electricians are some of the best in the industry. You can contact us here.

How De-icing Wiring Can Protect Your Roof This Winter

Apart from the cold that comes during winter in Southern Massachusetts, the formation of ice dams on roofs is also a problem to tackle during the snow season. If you’re not careful, you may need to deal with a much more serious problem than having thick layers of ice on your roof. For instance, your gutter might get clogged due to the dams, or your house may even start leaking when the temperature gets warmer. You can avoid any of these problems by getting de-icing wiring. This article will explain what ice dams are and how de-icing wiring can protect your roof during winter. 

What Causes Ice Dams?

Ice dams are formed from the constant buildups of snow and ice on the eaves and edges of a pitched roof. While they may result in beautiful icicles that add to the aesthetic features of the house, they can also cause water infiltration, break gutters, and damage roofs. Let’s find out how de-icing wiring can protect your roof this winter.

How De-icing Wiring Can Protect Your Roof

Roof de-icing wiring makes use of electrical resistance. This performs two major roles, namely;

  • generate heat, and
  • melt pathways through the ice and snow on the roof.

The melted pathways now form channels that allow the melted water to flow off the roof. This ensures that the snow and ice do not freeze and become ice dams or seep into the roof. 

However, it is important to note that de-icing wiring alone cannot really help you remove all of the ice on the roof. The main goal of de-icing wiring is to keep your roof safe from the dangers of extremely cold climates that we commonly see in Massachusetts. Ice and snow can become so dense with the time that they pile so deep and high on your roof to make the weight of the snow on your roof really heavy. The snow and ice can also blanket your rooftop and freeze the water in the pipelines. 

Pros Of Having A De-icing Wiring On Your Roof

When you get de-icing wiring that is of good quality and that is also installed by certified expert electricians, you can do a lot of good for your roof. This starts from the minimized accumulation of water that causes ice dams to slow their growth and leave your roof really light. 

To prevent any ice dams from forming on your roof, the cables are installed in a zig-zag pattern up and down the roof. When they are installed, the following happens:

  • The de-icing wiring on the roof melts the passages of potentially formed ice dams.
  • It minimizes ice accumulation.
  • It helps provide a path for the snow and ice to melt off your roof.
  • It prevents water from freezing within pipelines and causing them to burst.

Install De-icing Wiring with Brunelli

De-icing wiring is primarily designed for use with asphalt shingles which are one of the most common roofing materials in Massachusetts. To protect your roof this winter from damage, de-icing wiring is your surest bet, and this saves you from a lot of damage. Contact Brunelli Electic today to have de-icing wiring installed on your Southern Massachusetts home or business and keep your property safe from damage!

home office lighting

Power-Saving Tips for your Home Offices

As working from home is being normalized more than ever, electricity consumption has increased in home offices rather than commercial office buildings. Turning your homes into offices is undoubtedly a comfortable option, but great responsibility and added expenses come with comfort.

While electricity bills might still be lower in some areas, they have significantly increased for more people and in most areas. Working from home increases your energy consumption and hence the power charges. For this reason, here are some efficient power-saving tips for your home offices that can help you save your electricity cost to a great extent: 

Use Energy Saving Bulbs and Natural Lights

If your home office is prone to natural lighting, use it for most of the day, as long as it’s available, so you don’t have to switch on any lights. If your home office has a darker setting, use specific LED or CFL bulbs due to their low power and energy consumption with less heat production while still providing exceptional light coverage.


Control Your HVAC Systems

Now that you spend more time at your home office than your commercial office, your HVAC system needs to work double to maintain your desired temperature. In this case, consider an investment in a smart thermostat, as these units keep your temperature comfortable while optimizing your HVAC system’s performance and efficiency. 


Use Efficient Technology

Commercial offices primarily work 24/7, so they use efficient technology for decreased power consumption. The exact needs to be opted for your home office, as you can opt for a laptop instead of a desktop, as it consumes less energy. For monitors and other devices, you can switch to more efficient alternatives to save your power consumption.


Remember to Turn Off Your Devices

When not in use, electrical devices still consume electricity power. For this reason, you should turn off your electrical devices such as laptops, printers, LCDs, and chargers to stop electricity consumption when the devices are not in use. Shutting the devices off on time ensures no excess power and energy usage by any device.


Use Printers Only When Necessary

With technological advancements and many viewing and digital options available, printers are not much in use now as they used to be. In such cases, printers should be used only when necessary as they consume a surprisingly higher amount of power and energy consumption, shooting your energy bills to a great extent.  


Bottom Line

With all other added expenses, cutting down on as many things as possible is necessary. The above-mentioned power-saving tips can significantly help you manage your electricity consumption for your home office. 

Some skilled professionals can help you manage your power consumption efficiently. If you are looking for credible electrical services, contact Brunelli Electric for a reliable experience. 508-400-5571

office electrical work

Signs Your Office Needs Some Electrical Work

It is no news that for an office to run effectively, there is the need for proper management and maintenance of electrical current. Employees must feel comfortable in an office to effectively discharge their duties. With the number of office appliances relying on electricity to function, it is only logical that there is proper attention on the electrical work. Activities disruption can lead to low productivity.

This post will expose you to 4 signs your office needs some electrical work. 

4 Signs Your Office Needs Electrical Work

It’s disappointing when the power goes off while in the middle of some important tasks. You can avoid this just by fixing some electrical issues in your office. But how can you know when your office needs some electrical work? Here are signs to look out for:

Bulb Flickering

We often pay less attention when our office light bulb flickers. However, it is one of the earliest signs of needing a technician. Flickering occurs due to overload when it’s becoming unbearable for the outlet. Failure to reduce the circuit load may result in a fire outbreak in the office. That may lead to the loss of valuable equipment and documents. It would be best if you got an electrician to sort the issue immediately. 

Wire sparks/ Electrical Noises

A wire spark indicates that your office space might need some electrical work. Be wary of liquid substances directly contacting your electrical devices, especially during plugging or unplugging. Sparks occur mainly when the live circuit becomes exposed to water. Failure to address these sparks could melt the insulation, causing electricity hazards. Never should you ignore sounds made by circuits.

Frequent Power Outage

Loss of power can be frustrating, especially for office users. When you discover that you often experience power outages in your office compared to other buildings, you have a sign right before you. It may be due to various factors, including power surges or older breakers. Older circuit breakers are prone to frequent tripping, requiring that you address the problem as soon as possible. Delaying the electrical work will increase your workload if you can get an alternative source to complete your tasks.

Melting odor

You may discover a particular section of your office filled with a rotten melting odor. Do not take this lightly, as more danger may just be heading your way. This burn can be due to an overheating socket or adapter, a short circuit, or improper electricity on your power supply. It is advisable to switch off the socket or abandon every electrical appliance until an electrical expert reviews the problem. Your valuable asset may be at risk if you don’t do the needful on time.

Professional Electrician in Franklin, MA

Fire outbreaks are one of the most typical forms of recurring hazards in today’s world. It is primarily due to negligence on the part of the electricity users. It is advisable to have a regular electricity status review on your offices, especially when one or two signs pop up. If you would need further help with your office electricity, Brunelli Electric is the best hand for the job. Contact us today! 508-400-5571

Shed electricity

Can I Get Electricity in My Shed?

Have you ever thought of how to add functionality to your shed, and electricity came to mind? It is one home improvement project that gives your property significant resale value. Running an electricity supply into a shed is optional for some homeowners. However, suppose you plan to make the best use of that space. In that case, it becomes imperative to include electricity supply in your to-do list. 

Now that you concluded on installing electricity, these are the things you should know.

Learn about Zonal Regulations

No community will not support electrical installation, but you need to be conversant with the regulations. For example, some areas require getting a permit before starting the project. Proceeding with the installation without permission will attract penalties in such zones. To avoid delay and unnecessary fines, do your due diligence to have electricity done without hindrances.

Prioritize Safety

Safety should be at the top of your plan, given that electricity poses threats to lives if not correctly installed. Therefore, if you must hire an installer, ensure that you opt for a certified electrician. It minimizes the risks of committing errors during the installation process. Nobody is perfect. Professionals can make mistakes too, but it’s infrequent. If you are not highly knowledgeable about electricity installation, do not attempt to do it yourself.

Define your Shed Electricity Needs

It may sound weird, but you must identify why you need electrical installation in your shed. Human requirements and preferences differ when it comes to home improvement projects. The size of your garden is a significant determinant of what your shed requires. Additionally, if you intend to run a mini business, it is necessary to have sockets and other relevant electrical appliances. Don’t be one of those that contact a technician without defining their needs.

Plan based on cost

Installing electricity in a shed is not a child’s play. It requires a lot of money, particularly the materials and the electrician service fees. Do your research on everything you need to transform your shed. Consult a professional to know how much they charge. That will be helpful when planning your budget for the project. If it seems a bit challenging cut costs, discuss with your electrician for custom installation.

Prepare the Shed for Installation

Specifying where on your property you want cables to pass through is advisable. Sometimes, the electrician decides the suitable place to run the connections. However, for the reasons best known to the homeowner, they may choose their preferred location to channel the cables. So, inform the technician before installation begins if you would not like to see the wiring in a particular place.

Electric Company in Franklin, MA

Home improvement projects like running electricity can be challenging, especially when you don’t know the best practices. Don’t be confused, as there are professional electricians that can assist you. Brunelli Electric is a reliable technician to consult for electricity installation. Contact us today! 508-400-5571

short circuit

How To Prevent A Short Circuit

We all know that preventing a short circuit is important, but do we know how to do it? In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for preventing short circuits and what to do if one does occur. Stay safe and stay informed!

What is a short circuit and how does it happen

A short circuit is an electrical circuit that allows current to flow through it more easily than it should. This can happen when there is a break in the circuit, or when wires come into contact with each other. Short circuits can be very dangerous, as they can cause fires and electrical shocks. They can also damage electronic equipment. Short circuits usually happen because of faulty wiring or damaged insulation.

To prevent short circuits, it is important to have your electrical system regularly checked by a qualified electrician. If you notice any signs of a short circuit, such as sparks or smoke, you should immediately unplug any affected devices and call an electrician.

Causes of short circuits

There are many different causes of short circuits. Some of the most common include:

Damaged wiring

Wires can become damaged due to wear and tear, or by being chewed on by animals.

Faulty electrical components

If an electrical component is defective, it can cause a short circuit.

Loose connections

If wires are not properly connected, they can come into contact with each other, causing a short circuit.

Poorly designed electrical systems

If an electrical system is not properly designed, it can be more susceptible to short circuits.

Poorly insulated wires

If wires are not properly insulated, they can come into contact with each other or with metal surfaces, causing a short circuit.

Water damage

If wires become wet, they can short circuit.

Preventing short circuits

There are several things you can do to prevent short circuits:

Check your electrical system regularly

Have a qualified electrician check your electrical system regularly to make sure it is in good working order.

Inspect electrical components and wiring

Inspect electrical components and wiring for signs of damage. If you see any damage, replace the component or wire.

Be careful when using electrical devices

Be careful when using electrical devices. Do not use damaged electrical cords, and do not overload outlets.

What to do if you experience a short circuit

Short circuits can cause fires and serious injuries, so it is important to know what to do if you experience one. If you see sparks or smoke coming from an electrical appliance, immediately unplug it from the socket and move away from the area. Do not touch the appliance or try to open it, as this could cause an electrical shock. If you are unable to safely unplug the appliance, you can turn off the power at the fuse box or breaker box.

Contact Brunelli Electric in Franklin, MA

Always remember to turn off the power before investigating an appliance malfunction. If you experience a short circuit, call a qualified electrician to repair the appliance before using it again. Brunelli Electric can assist you in finding the right professional for the job. 508-400-5571


recessed lighting in kitchen

Why Should I Install Recessed Lighting In My Home?

Almost everyone is familiar with the standard light bulb. It is a common household item that has been around for many years. However, there are now many other types of lighting options available to homeowners, including recessed lighting. So, why should you install recessed lighting in your home? There are several reasons! Keep reading to learn more.

Recessed lighting is a great way to make your home look and feel more luxurious

A well-designed lighting plan is essential for creating a stylish and inviting home. And while there are many different types of lights to choose from, recessed lighting is a popular option for adding a touch of luxury.

Recessed lights are small lights that are installed in the ceiling, and they provide a subtle and sophisticated source of light. One of the benefits of recessed lighting is that it can be used to create different layers of light, which can add depth and interest to a room.

It can help you save on energy costs by providing more light with less wattage

Recessed lights are designed to provide more light using less wattage, which means they use less energy overall. They’re also more efficient at distributing light, so you can get the same amount of light with fewer fixtures.

Recessed lights are less likely to produce glare, which can make it easier to see and work in a space. And because they’re mounted flush with the ceiling, they take up less space and can create a more open feel in a room.

Recessed lighting can be used in any room in your home, including the bathroom and kitchen

This type of lighting is often used in the living room or bedroom, but it can also be a great choice for the bathroom or kitchen. Recessed lighting provides a clean, modern look and can be used to highlight specific areas of your home.

In the bathroom, recessed lighting can be used to accentuate your sink or shower area. In the kitchen, it can be used to highlight your countertops or cabinets. Recessed lighting is also a great option for walkways or hallways, as it can provide ample light without being too bright.

Recessed Lighting Installation in Franklin

If you’re considering ways to make your home look and feel more luxurious, or are looking for a way to save on energy costs, recessed lighting may be the solution for you. Recessed lighting can be used in any room in your home, but is often most popular in the bathroom and kitchen. Brunelli Electric can help you install recessed lighting in your home quickly and easily – so why not give us a call today? We would be happy to answer any questions you have about this cost-effective and visually appealing upgrade for your home. 508-400-5571