Tips for Childproofing Your Home’s Electrical

There are numerous strategies for childproofing your home’s electrical systems. In this article, we will discuss some key ways to keep your child safe around them.

Cover All Electrical Outlets

To help keep your children safe, make sure to cover your electrical outlets. Buy plastic outlet caps that fit snugly into outlets that are not being used. We recommend buying tamper-proof outlet covers to make it even tougher for children to reach these areas. You should also consider covering your outdoor outlet covers. That way, your children are protected both indoors and outdoors. 

Cord and Power Strip Management

Rather than letting long cords dangle around your home, consider investing in cord shorteners. These can help eliminate the problem of long cords hanging within a child’s reach, which can be extremely dangerous. Another great management tip is to secure your cords to the wall or floors. This will make it even more difficult to pull or [lay with said cords. Lastly, to ensure the outlets in your powerstrips aren’t exposed be sure to purchase power strip covers as well! 

Secure Appliances and Devices

Store small appliances such as lamps, chargers, and devices out of reach. Take out plugs from appliances and store them when not in use, particularly those that might pose a danger, such as hairdryers or toasters. The last thing you want is for your child to play with one of these appliances, unknowingly.

Inspect Regularly

Check for frayed wires, damaged plugs, or loose outlets, and repair them promptly. Ensure outlet covers are intact and still secure. Ensuring everything is running smoothly and is not broken is just as important as any other investment made. Be attentive and inspect commonly used areas and also make sure your outlets are not overloaded. Having too many devices plugged into one outlet or power strip can be a fire hazard concern. 

Teach Safety Rules

Firstly, to ensure everything stays perfect for years to come be sure to educate your children on the dangers of electricity.. Encourage them to ask for help instead of trying to handle plugs or switches themselves. Explain that they are hazardous and that only adults should handle these devices. These precautions, if taken, will make the home a safer place and minimize the occurrence of electrical accidents among children.

Seek Professional Safety Advice

Guarantee your home’s electrical safety for your family by getting advice from a professional electrical team! A team like Brunelli’s Electricians can help your home and family greatly. Give us a call today and we’ll help put you on the best path to safety!

Call Us: 508-400-5571
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